The 12 Laws of Time Travel
- When traveling back in time you travel inside a time distortion field (TDF).
- Within the TDF you can witness the past, but you can’t interact with it or change the past. Outside events can be observed as some light particles are refracted on the boundary layer of the TDF sphere.
- You are limited to 3 to 3 1/2 hours of air supply within an 8 foot diameter TDF sphere, unless you bring compressed air supplies.
- In order to keep orientation, it is recommended person use a TDF vehicle. This allows the time traveller to control their position, orientation, and time.
- Using a special RVO (remote vehicle observatory) you can make a copy of an object (by creating another TDF) within the past and bring into the present or future.
- When travelling in time, you must account for the changes in location. The earth is travelling through space as it rotates around the sun and our solar system rotates around our galaxy. The TDF exhibits a spatial and temporal disconnection with the physical world. The time travelling technology must account for the change in the planet earths location, as well as it’s continuing changes in location relative to the location of the TDF.
- You can communicate with the present using temporal polarization beam technology.
- When travelling to the future, you are physically transported and you can’t be brought back (unless through a time distortion field).
- When travelling through time, forward or back, you are transported nearly instantly. The only delay is the time needed to dematerialize and rematerialize.
- Time travel requires extreme accuracy in location. Current technology is limited to 99.999999% (six nines) accuracy.
- Time travel requires extreme accuracy with the de-materialization and re-materialization of atomic particles. Current technology is limited to 99.999999% (six nines) accuracy.
- Physical forces do not affect the objects within the TDF. Gravity, magnetic or electrical forces do not interact. Physical objects do not interact, including rain, wind, extreme temperatures, sound waves, radio waves, or blasts from explosions. A person within the TDF experiences weightlessness. The air temperature within the TDF remains what it was when created.